Teaching Schedule 2024

Sunday evenings at 7pm (except last Sunday of the month at 10.30am)


01/09/2024 John 1:1–34 John's Introduction of Jesus Josh Fitzhugh

08/09/2024 John 1:35–2:12 Jesus calls his first disciples and attends a wedding Andrew McNeill

15/09/2024 John 2:13–25 Jesus cleanses the temple Tim Reid

22/09/2024 John 3:1–21 Jesus talks with a religious expert Josh Fitzhugh

29/09/2024 John 3:22–36 John the Baptist shows how to exalt Jesus James Thompson


06/10/2024 John 4:1–45 Jesus talks with a woman who didn't know she needed him Tim Reid

13/10/2024 John 4:46–54 Jesus heals an official's son James Kelso

20/10/2024 John 5:1–18 Jesus makes a great claim by healing a man on the sabbath Ithai Udaiyar

27/10/2024 John 5:19–47 The Son of God confronts those who reject his claims Justin Waldron


03/11/2024 John 6:1–40 Jesus feeds 5,000, walks on the sea and begins to explain why Stevie Rogers

10/11/2024 John 6:41–71 Jesus as the food we must have Stevie Rogers

17/11/2024 John 7:1–24 Jesus goes up to the feast of booths quietly Ollie Neill

24/11/2024 John 7:25–52 Jesus' words divide opinion Carl Radcliffe


01/12/2024 John 8:1–30 Stoning for adultery and what the light of the world exposes James Kelso

08/12/2024 John 8:31–59 The truth about fatherhood Tim Graham

15/12/2024 John 9:1–41 Jesus heals a man born blind Josh Fitzhugh

22/12/2024 John 10:1–21 The good shepherd JP McAdam

29/12/2024 2 Kings 1:1–18 One last word of the Lord through Elijah Tim Reid

Teaching Schedule 2025


05/01/2025 2 Kings 2:1–25 Elijah passes the mantle to Elisha Danny Crookes

12/01/2025 2 Kings 3:1–27 Streams of mercy in the desert Danny Crookes

19/01/2025 2 Kings 4:1–44 Four miracles by the power of the Living God Josh Fitzhugh

26/01/2025 2 Kings 5:1–19 Naaman 's healing and Gehazi's sin Tim Reid


02/02/2025 2 Kings 6:1–7:20 Elisha and three stories of escape Paul Mclarty

09/02/2025 2 Kings 8:1–10:36 God's judgment on Ahab and assessment of Jehu Josh Fitzhugh

16/02/2025 2 Kings 11:1–21 Athaliah tries to destroy the house of David Joe Stewart

23/02/2025 2 Kings 12:1–21 Joash cleans out the house of the Lord Stevie Rogers


02/03/2025 2 Kings 13:1–17:41 (Part 1) The kings of Judah (Amaziah, Azariah, Jotham, Ahaz) Josh Fitzhugh

09/03/2025 2 Kings 13:1–17:41 (Part 2) The end of the road for Elisha and the last Israel kings TBC

16/03/2025 2 Kings 18–19 The revival under Hezekiah and Isaiah Stevie Rogers

23/03/2025 2 Kings 20:1–21 Hezekiah's sickness, recovery and tragedy James Thompson

30/03/2025 2 Kings 21 The idolatry of Manasseh and Amon JP McAdam


06/04/2025 2 Kings 22–23 The revival under Josiah and Holdah Stevie Rogers

13/04/2025 2 Kings 24–25 The fall of Jerusalem and the kingdom of Judah TBC

20/04/2025 Ephesians 1:1–14 God’s plan for us and for the universe Tim Reid

27/04/2025 Ephesians 1:15–23 Prayer for revelation and illumination James Thompson


04/05/2025 Ephesians 2:1–10 Triumph over the opposition Stevie Rogers

11/05/2025 Ephesians 2:11–22 Christ’s preaching to Jew and Gentile Tim Reid

18/05/2025 Ephesians 3:1–13 Paul’s role in revealing the Gospel Ithai Udaiyar

25/05/2025 Ephesians 3:14–21 Prayer for apprehension and knowledge Stevie Rogers


01/06/2025 Ephesians 4:1–16 Unity and growth in the body of Christ James Kelso

08/06/2025 Ephesians 4:17–32 Christ’s teaching about the new man John Hewitt

15/06/2025 Ephesians 5:1–21  Exhortation to imitation of God and Christ  Stevie Rogers

22/06/2025 Ephesians 5:22–6:9  Wives, husbands, children, parents, masters, servants  TBC

29/06/2025 Ephesians 6:10–24 The armour of God Mark Rogers